General Specifications:

Chemical formula: NaOH

Physical properties: White, clear, odorless liquid.

Chemical properties: Liquid hydroxide is a highly reactive substance so that it rapidly absorbs and combines with carbon dioxide in the air. It reacts easily with metals such as aluminum, magnesium, zinc, tin, chromium, bronze, copper, and brass.

Uses: Petrochemical, drilling, aluminum, food, metals, plating, pharmaceutical, health, alcohol, detergent, paper, textile, as well as in many factories and industries. Used for washing production lines or degreasing.

Warnings: Sodium hydroxide solution is a corrosive compound that can destroy the body’s proteins and dissolve living tissues. This substance can cause permanent blindness if it comes in contact with the eyes.

Packing type: IBC tanker and tank

Packing type: 48% to 50%

IBC tanker
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